AS-SAFA 380/132kV Substation

AS-SAFA 380/132kV Substation

The project of As-Safa includes the construction of a new 380/132kV indoor Substation in Riyadh (KSA), including 24 C.B. 380kV GIS, 4 C.B. 380kV Hybrid GIS 6 Nos. 502MVA Power Transformer, 4 Nos. 380kV Shunt Reactor and all necessary Protection, Control Communication, AMR System and SCADA Equipment.

2014 - 2015

Riyadh / Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

SEC – Saudi Electric Company

Scope of supply:
Engineering & Fabrication of 29 local control panels for 380kV Switchgear including, 4 local control panels for outdoor hybrid switchgears (container solution), Alarm Annunciation and Metering.
Engineering & Fabrication of 6 local control panels for 380kV Hybrid GIS, pre-installed in 20ft containers for easy transportation and installation.


Further References

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